How you or your group can help the Cherokee Secret Santa program!
We ask that READ CAREFULLY this SPONSOR LETTER. If you decide to be a SPONSOR, please DOWNLOAD, PRINT AND COMPLETE the Sponsor Declaration and email it to us immediately in order to give us time to match the children with sponsors. We match the sponsors who have provided us with an estimated budget with the lists from our children. We will mail out the children’s wish list beginning in early November. You will receive information such as the child's first name, age, sizes, and any special wishes or needs the child may have. We always need last minute and year around sponsors, so return your completed sponsor form and please tell your friends and neighbors about the program. If a donation is preferred, send your check made payable to: “Cherokee Co. D.F.C.S.” along with the completed sponsor letter to: 1300 Univeter Road Canton, GA 300115. Please add "For Secret Santa" in Memo section of the check. You may copy the declaration for sharing with others who are interested. Sign up now by downloading the Sponsor Declaration form indicating your willingness to purchase gifts or make a cash donation. You also may visit our Amazon Wish List: ![]()
Secret Santa Phone:
(678) 235-5519
Cherokee Santa
Cherokee County Department of Family & Children Services
1300 Univeter Road
Canton, GA 30115
Secret Santa Phone:
(678) 235-5519
Cherokee Santa
Cherokee County Department of Family & Children Services
1300 Univeter Road
Canton, GA 30115